Is your product accessible to those of all gender identities?

At the center of gender inequality is a lack of consideration. Previous failures can almost always be attributed to a lack of inclusion of those of different gender identities. If you haven’t fully considered how available and usable your product is to different audiences, you encounter the consequences of exclusion.

Does your product create any safety concerns for those outside of average male standards?

Testing your product to ensure that proper accommodations are made according to people of different sizes, weights, etc. is essential for preventing accidents and mishaps.

How diverse is your team?

Not only is diversity amongst your team of collaborators important, it can help to improve the productivity of your company or organization. Currently, female executives make up 11% of executives at Fortune 500 companies. And yet, according to Catalyst’s 2007 Report, Fortune 500 companies having women as board members show significantly better financial performance than those with lower representation. This includes improvement in return on sales, return on investment, and return on equity.